Complete List of Computer Shortcut Keys in One Place

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By Faraz - Last Updated:

Save time and effort with our complete list of computer shortcut keys. Learn to work smarter, not harder, with these essential tips and tricks.

Complete List of Computer Shortcut Keys in One Place-compressed.jpg

Mastering computer shortcut keys can significantly boost your productivity and efficiency while using your computer. Whether you're a student, professional, or simply a tech enthusiast, knowing these shortcuts can save you time and make your tasks much easier. This comprehensive list of computer shortcut keys includes essential commands for Windows, macOS, and popular software applications. Get ready to enhance your computing skills and streamline your workflow with these handy shortcuts.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Keyboard Shortcuts
  2. General Shortcuts
  3. File and Window Management
  4. Text Editing
  5. Web Browsing
  6. Windows Shortcuts (Windows OS)
  7. Mac Shortcuts (macOS)
  8. Microsoft Word Shortcuts
  9. Microsoft PowerPoint Shortcuts
  10. Microsoft Excel Shortcuts
  11. Windows & Mac Shortcuts
  12. Conclusion: Simplify Your Digital Life with Shortcut Keys
  13. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Introduction to Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of two or more keys that, when pressed simultaneously, perform specific tasks. They are designed to save time and make your computing experience more efficient. Whether you're using a Windows PC or a Mac, these shortcuts are incredibly useful.

2. General Shortcuts

General shortcuts are essential for everyday computer tasks. They allow you to perform common actions like copying, pasting, and undoing changes quickly. For instance, Ctrl + C is used to copy selected text or items, Ctrl + V pastes them, and Ctrl + Z undoes the last action. These shortcuts save time and streamline your workflow. Ctrl + S is crucial for saving your work, and preventing data loss, while Ctrl + F helps you search for specific content within documents. These general shortcuts are universally applicable and serve as the foundation for efficient computer usage.

computer shortcut KeysExplanation of shortcut Keys
Ctrl + CCopy selected text or items.
Ctrl + XCut selected text or items.
Ctrl + VPaste copied or cut text or items.
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action.
Ctrl + YRedo the last undone action.
Ctrl + SSave the current document or file.
Ctrl + PPrint the current document or page.
Ctrl + FFind and search for text or items.
Ctrl + ASelect all text or items in the current window.
Ctrl + NOpen a new document or window.
Ctrl + OOpen an existing file or document.
Ctrl + WClose the current tab or window.
Ctrl + F4Close the active tab or window (in some applications).
Ctrl + EscOpen the Start menu (Windows).
Alt + TabSwitch between open applications or windows.
Alt + F4Close the active application or window.
Ctrl + Alt + DeleteAccess the Task Manager (Windows).
Ctrl + Shift + EscOpen the Task Manager directly (Windows).
PrtScnCapture the entire screen.
Alt + Print ScreenCapture the active window only.
Ctrl + Alt + TOpen a new terminal window (Linux).

3. File and Window Management

File and window management shortcuts are indispensable when working with documents and applications. Ctrl + N opens a new document or window, while Ctrl + O allows you to open existing files. Ctrl + S is vital for saving your work, while Ctrl + W closes the current window or tab. Alt + Tab helps you switch between open applications quickly, and Alt + F4 closes the active application or window. Ctrl + Alt + Delete gives access to the Task Manager in Windows, enabling you to manage running processes. These shortcuts enhance your ability to organize and navigate through your computer tasks efficiently.

Computer shortcut KeysExplanation of shortcut Keys
Ctrl + NCreate a new file or document.
Ctrl + OOpen an existing file or document.
Ctrl + SSave the current file or document.
Ctrl + PPrint the current file or document.
Ctrl + WClose the current window or tab.
Ctrl + Shift + WClose all open windows or tabs.
Ctrl + F4Close the active tab or window.
Ctrl + TabSwitch between open tabs or documents.
Ctrl + Shift + TabCycle through tabs in reverse order.
Alt + TabSwitch between open applications or windows.
Alt + F4Close the active application or window.
Windows + DShow or hide the desktop (Windows).
Windows + EOpen File Explorer (Windows).
Alt + EnterShow properties of a selected file or folder.
F11Toggle full-screen mode in web browsers.

4. Text Editing

Text editing shortcuts are invaluable when working with documents, emails, or text editors. Ctrl + A selects all text in the current window, Ctrl + C copies selected text, and Ctrl + V pastes it. You can format text with Ctrl + B for bold, Ctrl + I for italics, and Ctrl + U for underlining. Ctrl + F helps you find specific text, and Ctrl + Z undoes actions, making it a valuable tool for error correction. Ctrl + S saves your work, while Ctrl + X cuts selected text for moving or copying. These shortcuts are fundamental for creating and editing text-based content efficiently.

Computer shortcut KeysExplanation of shortcut Keys
Ctrl + ASelect all text.
Ctrl + CCopy selected text.
Ctrl + XCut selected text.
Ctrl + VPaste copied or cut text.
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action.
Ctrl + YRedo the last undone action.
Ctrl + BBold text.
Ctrl + IItalicize text.
Ctrl + UUnderline text.
Ctrl + SSave changes (in some text editors).
Ctrl + FFind and search for text.
Ctrl + HReplace text.
Ctrl + Left ArrowMove the cursor to the beginning of a word.
Ctrl + Right ArrowMove the cursor to the end of a word.
Ctrl + BackspaceDelete the previous word.
Ctrl + DeleteDelete the next word.

5. Web Browsing

Web browsing shortcuts are essential for navigating the internet efficiently. Ctrl + T opens a new browser tab, and Ctrl + W closes the current tab. Ctrl + Tab helps you switch between open tabs, while Ctrl + Shift + T reopens closed tabs, saving your browsing history. F5 refreshes the current page, and Ctrl + D bookmarks a webpage for future reference. Ctrl + L selects the URL bar for quick typing, and F6 cycles through elements on a web page, aiding navigation. These shortcuts optimize your online experience, making it faster and more user-friendly.

Computer shortcut KeysExplanation of shortcut Keys
Ctrl + TOpen a new browser tab.
Ctrl + WClose the current browser tab.
Ctrl + Shift + NNew Incognito window.
Ctrl + Shift + TReopen the last closed tab.
Ctrl + TabSwitch between open tabs.
Ctrl + 1-8Switch to a specific tab (1-8).
Ctrl + 9Switch to the last tab.
Ctrl + F5Refresh the page (hard refresh).
Ctrl + DBookmark the current page.
Ctrl + LSelect the URL bar.
F5Refresh the page (normal refresh).
F6Cycle through elements on a web page.

6. Windows Shortcuts (Windows OS)

Windows shortcuts are specific to the Windows operating system and facilitate various tasks. The Windows key, often represented by the Windows logo, opens or closes the Start menu, providing access to applications and settings. Windows + E opens File Explorer for file management, and Windows + R opens the Run dialog for executing commands. Windows + L quickly locks your computer for security. Alt + Tab allows you to switch between open applications swiftly, while Alt + F4 closes the active application or window. These Windows shortcuts enhance your productivity and user experience within the Windows environment.

Computer shortcut KeysExplanation of shortcut Keys
WindowsOpen or close the Start menu.
Windows + EOpen File Explorer.
Windows + ROpen the Run dialog box.
Windows + LLock the computer.
Windows + DShow or hide the desktop.
Windows + Number (1-9)Open or switch to the corresponding taskbar shortcut.
Windows + TabOpen Task View (Windows 10 and later).
Alt + EnterShow properties of a selected file or folder.
Alt + SpaceOpen the window's system menu.
Alt + F8Resize and move an open window.
Windows Key + Shift + SOpens the Snip & Sketch tool, allowing you to select a portion of the screen to capture.
EscStop the current task.
F2Rename the selected item.
F3Search for a file or folder in explorer.
Shift + DelDelete programs permanently.

7. Mac Shortcuts (macOS)

Mac shortcuts are specific to the macOS operating system and are designed to streamline various tasks. Command (⌘) + C, Command (⌘) + X, and Command (⌘) + V are used for copying, cutting, and pasting selected text or items, respectively. Command (⌘) + Z undoes the last action, while Command (⌘) + S saves your work, ensuring data preservation. Command (⌘) + Space opens Spotlight search, a powerful tool for finding files and applications. These macOS shortcuts enhance your overall Mac experience by making common actions more efficient and accessible.

Computer shortcut KeysExplanation of shortcut Keys
Command (⌘) + CCopy selected text or items.
Command (⌘) + XCut selected text or items.
Command (⌘) + VPaste copied or cut text or items.
Command (⌘) + ZUndo the last action.
Command (⌘) + SSave the current document or file.
Command (⌘) + PPrint the current document or page.
Command (⌘) + FFind and search for text or items.
Command (⌘) + ASelect all text or items in the current window.
Command (⌘) + NOpen a new document or window.
Command (⌘) + WClose the current tab or window.
Command (⌘) + QQuit the active application.
Command (⌘) + TabSwitch between open applications.
Command (⌘) + SpaceOpen Spotlight search.
Command (⌘) + Option + EscForce quit an application.

8. Microsoft Word Shortcuts

Microsoft Word shortcuts are essential for efficient document creation and editing. Ctrl + B, Ctrl + I, and Ctrl + U allow you to format text with bold, italics, and underlining, respectively. Ctrl + F helps you find specific content within a document, and Ctrl + H is useful for text replacement. F7 initiates a spell check to ensure the accuracy of your writing. Ctrl + Enter inserts a new line within a cell, enhancing text formatting. These Word shortcuts expedite document processing, making it easier to create professional-looking documents.

Computer shortcut KeysExplanation of shortcut Keys
Ctrl + NCreate a new document.
Ctrl + OOpen an existing document.
Ctrl + WClose the current document.
Ctrl + SSave the current document.
Ctrl + PPrint the document.
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action.
Ctrl + YRedo the last undone action.
Ctrl + FFind text within the document.
Ctrl + HReplace text within the document.
Ctrl + BBold selected text.
Ctrl + IItalicize selected text.
Ctrl + UUnderline selected text.
Ctrl + 1Set single line spacing.
Ctrl + 2Set double line spacing.
Ctrl + 5Set 1.5 line spacing.
Ctrl + [Decrease font size.
Ctrl + ]Increase font size.
Ctrl + LLeft-align text.
Ctrl + RRight-align text.
Ctrl + ECenter-align text.
Ctrl + JJustify text.
Ctrl + KInsert a hyperlink.
Ctrl + XCut selected text.
Ctrl + CCopy selected text.
Ctrl + VPaste copied or cut text.
Ctrl + Shift + LToggle bullet points or numbering.
Ctrl + HomeGo to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + EndGo to the end of the document.
Ctrl + Arrow KeysNavigate through words and paragraphs.
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow KeysSelect text as you navigate.
F7Spell check the document.
Shift + F3Change text case (uppercase/lowercase/title case).
Alt + Shift + DInsert the current date.
Alt + Shift + TInsert the current time.
Ctrl + SpaceRemove formatting from selected text.

9. Microsoft PowerPoint Shortcuts

Microsoft PowerPoint shortcuts are indispensable for creating engaging presentations. F5 starts a slideshow from the beginning, while Shift + F5 begins from the current slide. Ctrl + D duplicates selected objects, a handy feature for slide design. Alt + Enter allows you to start a new line within a text box, improving text formatting. F2 enables you to edit the active cell, making real-time adjustments during presentations. These PowerPoint shortcuts enhance your ability to design and deliver effective presentations.

Computer shortcut KeysExplanation of shortcut Keys
Ctrl + NCreate a new presentation.
Ctrl + OOpen an existing presentation.
Ctrl + SSave the current presentation.
Ctrl + PPrint the presentation.
F5Start the slideshow from the beginning.
Shift + F5Start the slideshow from the current slide.
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action.
Ctrl + YRedo the last undone action.
Ctrl + CCopy selected objects.
Ctrl + XCut selected objects.
Ctrl + VPaste copied or cut objects.
Ctrl + DDuplicate selected objects.
Ctrl + ASelect all objects on a slide.
DeleteDelete selected objects.
Ctrl + GGroup selected objects.
Ctrl + Shift + GUngroup objects.
Ctrl + Arrow KeysMove selected objects by increments.
Alt + Shift + Left ArrowPromote a bullet point.
Alt + Shift + Right ArrowDemote a bullet point.
Alt + Shift + Up ArrowMove a bullet point up.
Alt + Shift + Down ArrowMove a bullet point down.
Ctrl + EnterInsert a new slide.
Ctrl + TOpen the font formatting dialog.
Ctrl + MInsert a new slide with a content layout.
Ctrl + Shift + CCopy formatting of selected text.
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste formatting onto selected text.
Ctrl + KInsert a hyperlink.
F7Spell check the presentation.
Alt + F4Close the presentation.

10. Microsoft Excel Shortcuts

Microsoft Excel shortcuts are vital for efficient data manipulation and analysis. Ctrl + S saves your workbook to prevent data loss, and Ctrl + P enables you to print your worksheets. Ctrl + Z undoes the last action, while Ctrl + Y redoes the last undone action, ensuring data accuracy. Ctrl + A selects all cells in the current worksheet, and Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V copy and paste data, respectively. Ctrl + Arrow Keys help you navigate through data regions, making it easier to work with large spreadsheets. These Excel shortcuts optimize your data management and analysis tasks, increasing productivity and accuracy.

Computer shortcut KeysExplanation of shortcut Keys
Ctrl + NCreate a new workbook.
Ctrl + OOpen an existing workbook.
Ctrl + SSave the current workbook.
Ctrl + PPrint the workbook.
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action.
Ctrl + YRedo the last undone action.
Ctrl + CCopy selected cells.
Ctrl + XCut selected cells.
Ctrl + VPaste copied or cut cells.
Ctrl + ASelect all cells in the current worksheet.
Ctrl + Arrow KeysNavigate to the edge of data regions.
Ctrl + SpaceSelect the entire column of the active cell.
Shift + SpaceSelect the entire row of the active cell.
Ctrl + Shift + Plus (+)Insert new rows or columns.
Ctrl + Minus (-)Delete rows or columns.
Ctrl + DFill down from the cell above.
Ctrl + RFill right from the cell to the left.
Alt + EnterStart a new line within a cell.
F2Edit the active cell.
F4Repeat the last action.
Alt + E, S, VPaste special.
Alt + E, S, TPaste as values.
Alt + E, S, FPaste as formulas.
Ctrl + 1Format cells dialog.
Ctrl + 5Apply or remove strikethrough.
Ctrl + 9Hide selected rows.
Ctrl + 0 (zero)Hide selected columns.
Ctrl + Shift + (+)Unhide rows or columns.
Alt + EnterStart a new line within a cell.
Ctrl + Page Up / Page DownNavigate between worksheets in a workbook.

11. Windows and Mac Shortcuts

ActionWindows ShortcutMac Shortcut
CopyCtrl + CCommand + C
CutCtrl + XCommand + X
PasteCtrl + VCommand + V
UndoCtrl + ZCommand + Z
SaveCtrl + SCommand + S
Switch ApplicationsAlt + TabCommand + Tab
New Tab (Web Browsing)Ctrl + TCommand + T
Close Tab (Web Browsing)Ctrl + WCommand + W
Reopen Closed TabCtrl + Shift + TCommand + Shift + T
New File/DocumentCtrl + NCommand + N
Open File/DocumentCtrl + OCommand + O
PrintCtrl + PCommand + P
FindCtrl + FCommand + F
Select AllCtrl + ACommand + A
BoldCtrl + BCommand + B
ItalicizeCtrl + ICommand + I

12. Conclusion: Simplify Your Digital Life with Shortcut Keys

With this complete list of computer shortcut keys, you're now equipped to navigate your computer like a pro. These shortcuts are designed to help you perform tasks quickly and efficiently, making your work and daily computer use much smoother. The list provided here covers a wide range of general, Windows, macOS, web browser, and Microsoft Office shortcuts that can be incredibly useful in various computing tasks.

However, the world of computing is vast, and there may be additional specialized shortcut keys for specific software or applications that were not covered in this list. If you are aware of any such shortcuts or if you have any questions, please feel free to let me know in the comment box below. Your feedback and contributions are greatly appreciated as they can help expand our collective knowledge of computer shortcuts.

13. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What are keyboard shortcut keys?

A1: Keyboard shortcut keys are key combinations that, when pressed simultaneously, perform specific tasks, making computer usage more efficient.

Q2: How can I remember all these shortcuts?

A2: Practice is key. Start with a few shortcuts that are relevant to your daily tasks and gradually expand your repertoire.

Q3: Do shortcut keys work on all computers?

A3: Most shortcut keys are universal, but there can be variations between operating systems and software.

Q4: Can I customize shortcut keys?

A4: Yes, many applications allow you to customize or create your own shortcut keys to suit your preferences.

Q5: Are there shortcuts for touchscreens?

A5: While touchscreen devices primarily rely on touch gestures, they may have some keyboard shortcuts for specific functions.

Q6: Are shortcut keys the same on Windows and Mac computers?

A6: No, shortcut keys can differ between Windows and Mac operating systems, but many common functions have similar shortcuts.

That’s a wrap!

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Faraz 😊

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