Learn how to create visually stunning transitional buttons that provide a great user experience with HTML and CSS. Our guide covers the basics of button design, CSS transitions, and hover effects to help you create effective call-to-action buttons.

Table of Contents
Buttons are an integral part of any website or application, and they serve as a call to action for users. Whether it's signing up for a service, downloading a file, or adding a product to the cart, buttons provide users with an opportunity to interact with the website or application. Transitional buttons, in particular, are unique as they provide a smooth transition between states when clicked. These buttons enhance the user experience and make the website or application more engaging.
In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to create stunning transitional buttons using HTML and CSS. We will cover the basics of transitional buttons, how to design them using HTML and CSS, adding hover and active states, and animating them to make them more interactive and engaging. By the end of this tutorial, you will have the skills to create beautiful transitional buttons that enhance the overall design aesthetics of your website or application.
Let's start making transitional buttons using HTML, and CSS step by step.
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Before starting this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of HTML, and CSS. Additionally, you will need a code editor such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text to write and save your code.
Source Code
Step 1 (HTML Code):
To get started, we will first need to create a basic HTML file. In this file, we will include the main structure for our buttons.
After creating the files just paste the following below codes into your file. Make sure to save your HTML document with a .html extension, so that it can be properly viewed in a web browser.
The code begins with a document type declaration <!DOCTYPE html> which tells the web browser that this is an HTML document.
The html tag encloses the entire document, and the lang attribute indicates that the document is in the English language.
The head tag contains information about the document such as the title, character encoding, and other metadata. The title tag specifies the title of the document which will be displayed in the browser's title bar. The meta tags provide additional information about the document, such as the character encoding and the viewport width.
The link tag is used to link an external stylesheet named styles.css to the HTML document. This stylesheet contains the styles for the buttons used in the HTML document.
The body tag contains the content of the HTML document, which in this case is a div tag with a class of wrap. Inside this div, there are two anchor (a) tags with classes of button and button2. The first button will change its appearance when the user hovers over it, and the second button is just a standard button.
This is the basic structure of our buttons using HTML, and now we can move on to styling it using CSS.
Step 2 (CSS Code):
Once the basic HTML structure of the buttons is in place, the next step is to add styling to the buttons using CSS.
Next, we will create our CSS file. In this file, we will use some basic CSS rules to create our buttons.
The first block of CSS code sets the background color, font family, font weight, and font size for the entire body of the HTML document.
The .wrap class is defined to position an element at the center of the page, with a specific size and text alignment.
The a tag is styled to apply a transition effect when hovered over by a user. The transition property specifies the duration and easing function of the transition effect. The display property specifies that the link element should be displayed as a block element, and the margin property centers it horizontally. The max-width, text-decoration, border-radius, and padding properties are used to style the links with a specific appearance.
The classes .button and .button2 are used to apply specific styles to the two anchor tags. The color, box-shadow, and inset properties are used to create a button-like appearance, with the box-shadow property creating an inset shadow effect. The :hover pseudo-class is used to specify styles that should be applied when the user hovers over the button, including changes to the text color and the box-shadow property to create a visual effect.
This will give our buttons an upgraded presentation. Create a CSS file with the name of styles.css and paste the given codes into your CSS file. Remember that you must create a file with the .css extension.
body {
background-color: rgb(181, 236, 236);
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 14px;
.wrap {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
margin-top: -86px;
margin-left: -89px;
text-align: center;
a {
-webkit-transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.390, 0.500, 0.150, 1.360);
-moz-transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.390, 0.500, 0.150, 1.360);
-ms-transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.390, 0.500, 0.150, 1.360);
-o-transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.390, 0.500, 0.150, 1.360);
transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.390, 0.500, 0.150, 1.360);
display: block;
margin: 20px auto;
max-width: 180px;
text-decoration: none;
border-radius: 4px;
padding: 20px 30px;
a.button {
color: rgba(30, 22, 54, 0.6);
box-shadow: rgba(30, 22, 54, 0.4) 0 0px 0px 2px inset;
a.button:hover {
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85);
box-shadow: rgba(30, 22, 54, 0.7) 0 0px 0px 40px inset;
a.button2 {
color: rgba(30, 22, 54, 0.6);
box-shadow: rgba(30, 22, 54, 0.4) 0 0px 0px 2px inset;
a.button2:hover {
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85);
box-shadow: rgba(30, 22, 54, 0.7) 0 80px 0px 2px inset;
Final Output:

In conclusion, we hope this tutorial has provided you with the necessary skills to create stunning transitional buttons using HTML and CSS. Transitional buttons provide a smooth transition between states when clicked and enhance the user experience of a website or application.
We covered the basics of transitional buttons, how to design them using HTML and CSS, adding hover and active states, and animating them to make them more interactive and engaging. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can create buttons that not only look great but also improve the overall functionality of your website or application.
Remember, the key to creating engaging buttons is to focus on the user experience. Always think about the context in which your buttons will be used, and consider how you can make them more intuitive and accessible. With practice and experimentation, you can create buttons that stand out and help your website or application to succeed.
We hope you found this tutorial useful, and we encourage you to continue exploring the world of HTML and CSS to create stunning designs that delight and engage your users.
That’s a wrap!
I hope you enjoyed this post. Now, with these examples, you can create your own amazing page.
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Faraz 😊