10+ Tailwind List Components with Source Code

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By Faraz -

Explore 10+ versatile Tailwind list components with accompanying source code. Easily integrate these customizable solutions into your website for improved organization and presentation.

10+ Tailwind List Components with Source Code.webp

Dive into the world of Tailwind List Components with our collection of 10+ designs, complete with source code! Whether you're displaying contact information, event details, or other types of lists, these creations offer versatile options for your projects.

Table of Contents

  1. Tailwind List
  2. Tailwind - List Style Position
  3. AlpineJS and Tailwind List
  4. Contact List
  5. Events List - Custom Scrollbar
  6. Item List and Search
  7. Dispatch Listing
  8. Digital Ocean - Tutorial Lists
  9. List Items with Blurred Background
  10. Unordered List of Card Items


Welcome to our guide showcasing 10+ Tailwind List Components with Source Code! Lists are fundamental elements in web design, used for displaying various types of content in an organized manner. With Tailwind CSS, creating stylish and functional list components becomes easier than ever.

In this article, we'll explore a collection of Tailwind CSS list components along with their corresponding source code. Whether you're building a blog, an e-commerce platform, or a portfolio website, these components offer versatility and customization options to suit your project's needs.

1. Tailwind List

10+ tailwind list components - tailwind list

Created by Moenupa Wang, this Tailwind list provides a simple and clean layout for displaying items. With responsiveness built in, it ensures a seamless viewing experience on any device.

CreatorMoenupa Wang
Source CodeClick here!

2. Tailwind - List Style Position

10+ tailwind list components - list style position

Created by Ray Villalobos, this list component focuses on style positioning using Tailwind CSS. It offers customizable styles for positioning list items, all while being fully responsive for use on different screen sizes.

CreatorRay Villalobos
Source CodeClick here!

3. AlpineJS and Tailwind List

10+ tailwind list components - alpinejs and tailwind list

Created by CedricWD, this list component combines Alpine.js with Tailwind CSS for dynamic interactions. It provides a responsive and interactive list experience for users, enhancing usability.

Source CodeClick here!

4. Contact List

10+ tailwind list components - contact list

Created by doguskysilva, this contact list component offers a user-friendly layout for displaying contact information. With responsiveness integrated, it ensures that contact details are easily accessible on various devices.

Source CodeClick here!

5. Events List - Custom Scrollbar

10+ tailwind list components - events list - custom scrollbar

Created by Svjatoslav Torn, this events list component features a custom scrollbar for added visual appeal. It's designed to be fully responsive, providing a seamless browsing experience for event details on different devices.

Creator Svjatoslav Torn
Source CodeClick here!
10+ tailwind list components - item list and search

Created by arifhas, this list component includes a search feature for easy navigation. With responsiveness built in, it ensures that users can efficiently search for and view items on any device.

Source CodeClick here!

7. Dispatch Listing

10+ tailwind list components - dispatch listing

Created by sykespro, this list component offers a versatile layout for displaying dispatch information. With responsiveness built in, it ensures a seamless viewing experience on any device.

Source CodeClick here!

8. Digital Ocean - Tutorial Lists

10+ tailwind list components - digital ocean - tutorial lists

Created by Dzaky Widya Putra, this list component is inspired by Digital Ocean's tutorial lists. It provides a user-friendly layout for browsing tutorials, and it's fully responsive for optimal usability.

CreatorDzaky Widya Putra
Source CodeClick here!

9. List Items with Blurred Background

10+ tailwind list components - list items with blurred background

Created by Adityacs001, this list component features a blurred background effect for added visual appeal. With responsiveness integrated, it offers a modern and stylish option for displaying list items.

Source CodeClick here!

10. Unordered List of Card Items

10+ tailwind list components - unordered list of card items

Created by riverscodes, this list component showcases card items with elevation effects on hover. With responsiveness built in, it provides an interactive and engaging list experience for users.

Source CodeClick here!

11. Free Tailwind CSS List Component

10+ tailwind list components - free tailwind css list component

Crafted by Harris, this free Tailwind CSS list component provides a simple yet effective solution for displaying lists. With responsiveness built in, it ensures a seamless viewing experience across different devices.

Source CodeClick here!


In conclusion, incorporating well-designed list components can significantly enhance the user experience and visual appeal of your website. With the variety of Tailwind CSS list components presented in this guide, you have the flexibility to choose and adapt components that align with your website's design and functionality requirements.

Don't hesitate to explore the provided source code and customize the components to fit seamlessly into your project. By leveraging these Tailwind CSS list components, you can streamline your development process and create visually stunning and user-friendly interfaces. Start integrating these components into your projects today and elevate your web design to the next level!

That’s a wrap!

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Faraz 😊

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