Create Your Own Vending Machine with Python (Source Code)


By Faraz -

Learn how to build a vending machine using Python. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process from start to finish.

Python Vending Machine.jpg

Vending machines have become an integral part of our modern world. You can find them in various locations, from schools and offices to train stations and shopping malls. These automated machines provide a convenient way for people to purchase products or access services without the need for human assistance.

Why create your own vending machine?

Building your own vending machine is not only a fun and engaging project, but it also offers several benefits. Here are a few reasons why you might consider creating your own vending machine:

  1. Learn and apply programming skills:
  2. By building a vending machine with Python, you can enhance your programming knowledge and gain hands-on experience in hardware programming. It's an excellent opportunity to bridge the gap between software and hardware.
  3. Customize products and functionality:
  4. When you create your own vending machine, you have full control over the products you offer and the machine's functionality. You can tailor it to suit your specific needs and preferences, allowing for unique vending experiences.
  5. Gain insights into automation and robotics:
  6. Vending machines are a prime example of automation and robotics. Through this project, you'll learn about the principles behind automated systems, such as product selection, inventory management, and payment processing.
  7. Showcase your creativity:
  8. Designing and building a vending machine gives you a platform to showcase your creativity. You can experiment with different layouts, user interfaces, and even incorporate advanced features like touchscreens or voice commands.

Overview of the project

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of creating your own vending machine using the Python programming language.The project will cover all essential aspects, from setting up the necessary software and hardware to designing the vending machine's layout and implementing the logic behind product selection, inventory management, and dispensing.

Whether you are a beginner looking to explore the world of hardware programming or an intermediate programmer seeking a challenging project, this tutorial will provide you with the knowledge and guidance to embark on your vending machine creation journey. So, let's dive in and discover how to bring your own vending machine to life with Python!

Writing the code structure

# Vending machine items and prices
items = {
    '1': {'name': 'Candy', 'price': 1.25},
    '2': {'name': 'Chips', 'price': 1.50},
    '3': {'name': 'Soda', 'price': 2.00},
    '4': {'name': 'Water', 'price': 1.00}

# Display available items and prices
print("Welcome to the Vending Machine!")
print("Please select an item:")

for key, item in items.items():
    print(f"{key}. {item['name']} - ${item['price']}")

# Prompt user for input
selection = input("Enter the item number you wish to purchase: ")

# Check if the selected item is valid
if selection in items:
    selected_item = items[selection]
    print(f"You have selected {selected_item['name']}.")
    amount_due = selected_item['price']

    # Prompt user to insert money
    while amount_due > 0:
            payment = float(input(f"Please insert ${amount_due:.2f}: "))
            if payment >= amount_due:
                change = payment - amount_due
                print(f"Thank you for your purchase! Your change is ${change:.2f}.")
                print("Insufficient payment. Please insert more money.")
                amount_due -= payment
        except ValueError:
            print("Invalid payment amount. Please enter a valid number.")
    print("Invalid selection. Please try again.")


Let's go through the code step by step:

  1. The code defines a dictionary called items which represents the available items in the vending machine. Each item is assigned a unique key (e.g., '1', '2', '3', '4'), and the corresponding value is another dictionary containing the item's name and price.
  2. The code then displays a welcome message and prompts the user to select an item.
  3. It loops through each item in the items dictionary and prints the item's key, name, and price.
  4. After displaying the available items and prices, the code prompts the user to enter the item number they wish to purchase.
  5. The code checks if the selected item is valid by verifying if the entered item number exists as a key in the items dictionary.
  6. If the selected item is valid, it retrieves the item's details (name and price) from the items dictionary and stores them in the selected_item variable.
  7. The code then sets the amount_due variable to the price of the selected item.
  8. Next, it enters a loop where it prompts the user to insert money until the amount_due is paid in full.
  9. Within the loop, it attempts to convert the user's input to a float (assuming the user enters a valid number for payment). If the conversion is successful, it compares the payment amount with the amount_due.
  10. If the payment is greater than or equal to the amount_due, it calculates the change by subtracting the amount_due from the payment and prints a thank you message along with the calculated change.
  11. If the payment is less than the amount_due, it informs the user that the payment is insufficient and prompts for more money. The amount_due is updated by subtracting the payment from it.
  12. If the user enters an invalid payment amount (e.g., non-numeric input), it catches the ValueError exception and displays an error message.
  13. If the selected item is not valid (i.e., the entered item number does not exist in the items dictionary), it prints an "Invalid selection" message.

That's the overall flow of the code. It provides a simple vending machine experience by allowing the user to select an item, insert money, and receive change if necessary.


By following this step-by-step guide, you now have the knowledge to create your own vending machine using Python. Building a vending machine from scratch not only enhances your programming skills but also allows you to explore the world of automation. So go ahead and unleash your creativity to build a unique vending machine that meets your specific requirements. Happy coding!

That’s a wrap!

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Faraz 😊

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