What is Blockchain Technology, and What can You do with It?

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By Faraz -

Blockchain technology is the future of online business, and if you're not familiar with it, this guide is for you. It will walk you through what the technology is exactly and how to use it to your advantage.

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As the internet has become more popular, so too has the idea of using blockchain technology. What is blockchain technology, and what can you do with it?

Blockchain technology is a digital ledger of all cryptocurrency transactions. This ledger is continuously growing as “completed” blocks are added to it with a new set of recordings. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies use blockchain technology to manage their transactions and to make themselves difficult to counterfeit.

People have been using blockchain technology for years to create decentralized applications (DApps). A DApp is an application that runs on a blockchain network. DApps use blockchain technology to allow people to interact without needing a third party. For example, Ethereum allows people to create decentralized applications that run smart contracts. These contracts allow people to exchange money, property, shares, and other items.

You can also use blockchain technology to store information. For example, you can store your medical records on a blockchain network. The healthcare industry is exploring how blockchain technology can be used to improve patient care.

Who Created It?

Blockchain technology was first developed in 2009 by an anonymous programmer or group of programmers who went by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto. The invention is based on the cryptographic theory of hash functions and digital signatures. Blockchain allows users to track and verify the ownership of digital assets and to conduct transactions without the need for a third-party intermediary.

How does Blockchain Technology work?

Blockchain technology is an innovative way of storing and managing information. When you use blockchain technology, you are using a distributed ledger system. A distributed ledger system is a collection of records that are shared between different parties. This allows for transparency and secure recording of transactions.

You can use blockchain technology to create trustless systems. Trustless systems are systems where there is no need for third parties to verify the accuracy of information. This makes them more efficient and secure. You can also use blockchain technology to create new forms of business models. For example, you could use it to create a peer-to-peer insurance system.

What Can You Do With It?

Blockchain technology is a distributed database that allows for secure, transparent and tamper-proof transactions. It's been described as the "next big thing" in business and is already being used by major companies like Microsoft, IBM and Samsung. Here are five things you can do with blockchain technology:

  1. Create a secure and tamper-proof record of transactions.
  2. Reduce the costs of conducting transactions.
  3. Speed up transaction processing times.
  4. Increase transparency and security in business dealings.
  5. Eliminate the need for third-party intermediaries in transactions.

How Can You Use Bitcoin or Blockchains in Your Business?

There are many ways that you can use blockchain in your business. For example, you could use it to create a transparent database of customer information. You could also use it to track goods as they move from supplier to consumer. And finally, you could use it to automate contract negotiations between businesses.

What are the Pros and Cons of Blockchain?

The Pros of Blockchain:

  • Transparency: Every transaction on the blockchain is publicly viewable and unalterable. This makes it difficult for anyone to cheat or corrupt the system.
  • Security: Cryptocurrencies are often stored in “digital wallets”, which are protected by strong passwords and encryption. A blockchain protects these digital wallets by creating a continuously growing list of “blocks”, which are verified by miners.
  • Speed: Transactions on a blockchain are processed quickly and securely, usually taking less than 10 minutes. This is compared to traditional banking systems, which can take up to days or even weeks to process a transaction.
  • Low cost: Because blockchain is decentralized, it doesn't require a third party to operate or maintain.

The Cons of Blockchain:

  • Centralization: because of the lack of a third-party, there is a high risk that blockchain will be run by an entity or government.
  • High cost: while it may be low maintenance cost for investors and miners, the infrastructure is costly to maintain.
  • Transaction time: When every computer on the network gets involved in verifying every transaction, this can slow down transaction processing time.

Where do you find the best blockchain projects?

If you want to get started with blockchain technology, the first place to look is within the projects themselves. There are dozens of different blockchains, all with their own unique features and applications. Here are three of the best blockchain projects to get started with:

1. Ethereum is a popular choice for developers because it offers a wide range of features, including smart contracts and decentralized applications.

2. Bitcoin is the original blockchain project and still has the most widespread adoption. It's used to purchase goods and services online, and its network is considered secure and reliable.

3. Litecoin is similar to Bitcoin but has faster transaction times and less volatility. It's also used as a digital currency for online purchases.


Blockchain technology is a revolutionary new way of handling transactions. It's essentially a digital ledger of all the transactions that have ever been made, which can be used to track anything from property ownership to financial flows. As this technology continues to grow in popularity, there are many potential applications for it, including everything from protecting intellectual property to ensuring transparency in Supply Chain Management. If you're interested in learning more about blockchain technology and how it could benefit your business, I recommend checking out some of the resources available online.

That’s a wrap!

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Faraz 😊

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